About Us
HistoryOur second manufacturing plant equipped with smart technologies started its operations in Aksaray.
Our first AI-based teammate, Robi, has been involved in our business processes.
We implemented the new business model “Genba Room” project.
We introduced Otopratik branded batteries to the market.
We launched the “Pioneers of the Journey” open innovation program.
Our products were introduced to the market with the “Domestic Production” logo.
To commemorate the 30th anniversary of our company, we carried out the renovation works of 3 schools in Aksaray’s Ortaköy district.
We have completed the Design Registration process for 2 new products of Lassa Tyres, which were designed and developed in our R&D Center in Izmit.
We started to offer charging services for electric vehicles at Otopratik stores and tire sales points in cooperation with E-Şarj.
We started the Digital Fleet era with our innovative services.
We published our books “Courageously Moving Forward” and “We Too Courageously Move Forward”.
Brisa Academy has been accredited as the Authorized Personnel Certification Body
We activated the Brisalıyız.Biz platform for our dealers.
We activated “Brisalıyız Card” and the incentive program “Tyre Money” especially designed for our dealers.
We introduced the Otopratik branded spare parts to the market.
We sent bus tyres to China and truck tyres to vehicle manufacturers in Sweden and Germany for the first time in our history.
We expanded the coverage of lastik.com.tr door to door mounting services across Turkey.
We established the Digital Information Library Bripedia.
We activated BRIKIM, the academic level case study project
We started the process for acquiring Arvento Mobile Systems within the context of our sustainable mobility focus area.
We became one of the 8 signatory companies of the CEO Water Mandate.
We calculated our emissions and became the first company in our country to have received the approval
for our targets from the Science Based Targets Initiative.
We initialized the Digital Tyre Assistant.
We initialized the Lastiğim.biz platform.
We opened the Bridgestone Performance Center.
We acquired Arvento Mobile Systems company and reiterated our sustainable mobility leadership.
We have been rated and included in the excellent category by the London Stock Exchange (LSEG) organization Refinitiv for our environmental, social and governance (ESG) performances.
We took our place amongst Climate Change Global Leaders Program, and the Turkey Water Program leaders for the fourth time in Carbon Disclosure Project’s (CDP) ratings with regards to our efforts to reduce climate change impact.
We took our place in the Gold category of Ecovadis’ ratings, which focus on sustainability on an international basis.
We opened our first Otopratik service point that provides fast fit maintenance services in Northern Cyprus Turkish Republic.