Executive BoardHaluk Kürkçü received his undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering from Middle East Technical University in 1984.
Kürkçü started to work at Brisa in 1986 and served in managerial positions at production planning, industrial engineering and production areas in the following two decades. He was appointed as Production Director in 2006, and served as Engineering Director between 2015-2018. Kürkçü has served as Vice-CTO since 2018 and was appointed as CEO of Brisa on July 1, 2020.
Kürkçü also serves as the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Arvento Mobile Systems.
Outside the Group, he is a Board Member of LASDER (Tyre Industrialists Association) and Chairperson of the Board of LASİD (Tyre Industrialists and Importers Association).
Tomio Fukuzumi graduated from Osaka City University, Department of Economics. He joined Bridgestone in April, 1988. In his career, he worked in mainly international tyre business and worked as Tyre Sales Director and Managing Director in Korea, USA Chicago, Belgium Brussels, India and Thailand. Fukuzumi was assigned as Director of Tyre International Business at BSJ Head Office in 2016, and also served as a Member of the Board of Directors in BSAM, BSEMIA and BSCAP. Fukuzumi has been working at Brisa since December 21, 2022.
Born in 1978, Cenk Koçdor graduated from METU, Department of Industrial Engineering in 2001. He completed the Executive MBA master's program at Sabancı University Faculty of Management Sciences in 2014. Koçdor has been working at Brisa since June 2, 2003. He is also a Board Member of Arvento Mobile Systems.
Neslihan Döngel Özlem was born in 1982 and graduated from Bilkent University, Department of Economics and completed MBA Executive program at Boğazici University. She started her career as an auditor at PwC in 2005, and worked in the fields of financial planning, control, reporting, analysis, revenue assurance and internal audit at Sabancı Holding, Enerjisa Enerji and Enerjisa Üretim between 2009-2022. Döngel Özlem also served as a Board Member at Agesa and Çimsa. She has been working as Chief Financial Officer at Brisa since March 1, 2022.
Born in 1975, Tetsuya Tsutsumi graduated from Yokohama National University, Department of Engineering and Science. Tsutsumi, who has been working at Bridgestone Corporation since 1997, has been working at Brisa since January 2022.
Tuğba Gök Nam completed her BA in Business Administration at Gazi University and her MA in Human Resources Development at METU. She continues her doctoral studies in Management Sciences at Sabancı University. Gök Nam has been working as Chief Human Resources Officer at Brisa since November 1, 2022.
Born in 1972, he is a graduate of Yildiz Technical University, Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. He has been working at Brisa since April 7, 1997.
Born in 1978, Mustafa Tacettin graduated from Bilkent University, Department of Industrial
Engineering in 2000 In 2002, he completed his master's program at Sabancı University, Department
of Industrial Engineering and in 2014, he completed his doctorate program at Kocaeli University,
Department of Industrial Engineering. He has been working at Brisa since June 1, 2004