Fast Fit Services
OtopratikOtopratik is our fast fit maintenance service chain brand specializing in vehicle maintenance that we have implemented to offer the best experience to passenger and light commercial vehicle owners in this field.
At Otopratik stores, basic maintenance services such as tyre, rim, battery, alignment, oil change, filter change, air conditioning gas refill, brake pad & disc replacement, shock absorber replacement and periodic maintenance are provided. Fast fit maintenance services are completed in an average of 2 hours.
At Otopratik, whether the functions of 52 different points of a vehicle perform their duties perfectly or not are controlled during vehicle check-up. With the help of latest technology malfunction detection equipment used in our service points, we can easily detect which part and/or system causes the malfunctioning. This allows us to increase the competence of our services to higher levels in line with today’s rapidly improving vehicle technologies.
It is very important for us that our customers can always have access to same quality level of products and services and at all locations. Therefore, we pay great attention to the standards of Otopratik service points and work with our business partners continuously for improvements while performing audits.