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Human Resources

Our employees are our greatest asset

Our target is to be the
"preferred workplace"

We believe that our greatest asset is our employees. We are realizing our projects geared to-wards employee experience with an approach focused on people and in line with our corporate culture. We are constantly improving this experience with our training and development pro-grams, the different opportunities we offer within the company, our volunteering activities, and the insights of our employees. Our target is to be the "preferred workplace" of both Brisa em-ployees and candidates.

Brisa Journey

Training and Development 

We believe that each of our employees has a unique journey here. Believing that all develop-ment starts within the person, we design and implement our “Brisa Journey” programs for all of our employees with the motto “You Meet Your Potential When YOU Discover

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#FORYOU Future of Work at Brisa Details Detayını Görüntüle
With our FOW practices, we aim to be one of the best national and international companies in our industry and in similar industries by 2023.
We Leave Our Trace Recognition and Rewarding Details Detayını Görüntüle
We put sharing, learning together, and being inspired by each other at the center of the way how we conduct our business; we aim to multiply the beauties and successes by celebrating and appreciating them.
Brisa Hackathon

Potential Brisa Employees

We carry out programs for potential Brisa employees to help them gain knowledge and skills for the business world, to recognize positions suitable for their education and competencies.

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Sabanci 100. Yil