Development Journey
Recognition and RewardingWe put sharing, learning together, and being inspired by each other at the center of the way how we conduct our business; we aim to multiply the beauties and successes by celebrating and appreciating them.
In our Tracers program, which we launched for the first time in 2017, we listen to the innova-tive, courageous, development-oriented, and transformative projects of Brisa employees every month, with the participation of all the employees and senior management of our company; We express our appreciation and thanks for the traces they left.
At the end of each year, we identify and honor the most successful projects of that year with the Tracers Award Ceremony.
In 2020, we launched the Emergers program, which expands the scope of Tracers project to Sabancı Holding Industry Group companies. Every month, with the participation of senior rep-resentatives and employees of Brisa, Kordsa and Temsa companies, we share internal good practices with each other, inspire each other and honor the emerging project owners.