Development Journey
Training and DevelopmentAt Brisa, we approach our training and development programs with a holistic view and call it Brisa Journey. We believe that each of our employees has a unique journey here. Believing that all development starts within the person, we design and implement our “Brisa Journey” programs for all of our employees with the motto “You Meet Your Potential When YOU Discov-er”. Considering the changing expectations and future trends of the business, we implement all our programs with a flexible approach receiving the contributions of our employees. We offer differentiated programs focused on improving our work, ourselves and our relationships cus-tomized for our colleagues at all levels, and we cooperate with the best trainers and institu-tions in their fields.
Brisa employees within the 0–5-year experience bracket discover themselves with the DEV101 program, find the courage they need and take action. Our managers with experience of 0-3 years create meaning for team management and develop their leadership skills with our MAN101 program. Our specialists and newly appointed managers get the chance to develop their different competency sets with our innovative Let's Co program. Our employees with 5+ years of experience get the opportunity to deepen in their fields with B-Prof trainings. Our GEN 101 program, which is open to all our employees, invites our employees to new experiences and discoveries with trainings on different themes.
In 2021, we won the Bronze Stevie Award in the "Best Learning and Development Strategy" cat-egory with "Brisa Journey" at the Stevie Awards, which is considered one of the most prestig-ious awards in the globe by the business world!
We encourage our employees to take part in our intrapreneurship efforts in order to spread the innovation culture. Our volunteering colleagues coming from different departments and disci-plines, who have passed through certain stages each year and succeeded to be included in the Brisa Innovation Team, get the chance to offer mentorship in the field of entrepreneurship, both within the company and outside the company at our start-up cooperation partners, with the training opportunities offered to them.
Our Brisa Innovation and Project Portal (BIPP) offers a platform where all our employees can freely share their new business ideas. With the Rocket Program, new ideas courageously pro-duced every year by our friends are evaluated by the committees, which include the top man-agement of our company, and opportunities are offered for the implementation of successful ideas. This allows our employees who have ideas to develop their competencies in the field of entrepreneurship.
In the training programs that Brisa Academy creates specifically for the needs of different de-partments and employees, Brisa employees get the chance to become internal trainers by go-ing through certain stages according to their fields of expertise. Thus, our employees can de-velop their different competencies by meeting with a platform where they can share their knowledge and experience.