Human Resources
Equality and DiversityWe believe that experiences and perspectives resulting from diversity and variety adds to cor-porate richness. In all corporate and operational processes, we carry out our practices by con-sidering the principles of diversity and equal opportunity. In this context, we meticulously moni-tor and consider the relevant practices of Sabancı Holding, the first Turkish company to sign the United Nations' Women's Empowerment Principles Declaration (WEPs) in 2011 and a partner of Brisa. We believe equal opportunity to be one of the foundations of social sustainability. We strive to remove all barriers to equal participation in employment, such as age, gender, social background, religion, language, and physical conditions. We accept it as our ethical responsi-bility to ensure that there is no discrimination in recruitment and placement processes.
We adopt ensuring the equal and effective participation of women in business life and increas-ing female employment as our principle. While increasing the rate of female employees in re-cruitment, we also carry out projects to improve the working conditions of our current female employees. We provide the necessary support for female employees to return to their jobs after maternity leave and to maintain a balance between their professional and private lives.
As part of our diversity approach, we strive for more employment of people with disabilities in business life. We employ disabled employees above the legal requirements. We organize the office environment in a way that facilitates the working conditions of our disabled employees.