Human Resources
Potential Brisa EmployeesWe organize company promotion events, university collaborations, new generation online career experience programs such as Sen2, internship and mentoring programs, and opportuni-ties that encourage creativity under the title of "If You Want to Design" ("Tasarlamak İsterSEN") such as, Hackathon and Ideathon, and open our resources to today's university students, who are future potential Brisa employees, to gain knowledge and skills for the business world, to recognize positions suitable for their education and competencies, and to enrich their knowledge they need to use in the recruitment process. As a result, we enable our students to gain awareness about the profession they want to choose and support their career choices.
With the Sen2 program, students receive trainings that will contribute to their personal development such as Robotic Intelligence and Big Data, in addition to their internship projects. As part of the second dimension of the program, university students have free access to trainings on more than 20 different subjects at Brisa Academy, which will make their personal develop-ment and business life more comfortable.
We are running the “If You Want to Design with Us” (“Sen de Bizimle Tasarlamak İsterSEN”) program designed for students studying at engineering faculties. In our program, we encourage university student engineer candidates to develop new ideas, provide them with different perspectives and contribute to their development. We try to create value in many dif-ferent aspects such as Design Thinking, mentoring from Brisa Innovation Team, and personal development seminars with our program, which we organize in cooperation with institutions that are experts in their fields.