Our Sustainability Approach
Environment ApproachSustainability constitutes the basis of our business manner. In addition to the benefit we create by designing our processes with a focus on sustainability, we also constantly keep our environmental impact under control. Carrying out production in harmony with nature, by minimizing the impacts of production processes on natural resources and climate change, is the primary objective of our environmental management systems.
We set targets in order to improve these objectives and related realizations, periodically monitor our performance, and actualize improvement works in line with our management systems. Our commitment to “a business manner beyond legal requirements”, which is one of our sustainability priorities aimed at furthering our environmental performance, is our most important guide in this field. With this understanding, we closely follow both national and international standards and meet their requirements with a performance beyond expectation; we strive to enhance this positive impact we create to include our value chain.
We reinforce our ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems practices with ISO 14064 Verification of Greenhouse Gases, ISO 14046 Water Footprint Verification, ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems practices. As a result of our proactive approach, we became the first institution in Turkey, and the second in Europe, to be entitled for ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems Certification. Thanks to our pioneering works in water savings and reporting, we became the first company in Europe to be entitled to receive ISO 14046 Water Footprint Standard certification