Technology & Innovation
Smart ProductionWe produce more than 11 million tyres per year at our manufacturing plants based in Izmit and Aksaray, which is in the heart of Anatolia. While we continue modernization investments at our Izmit Manufacturing Plant, our brand new Aksaray Manufacturing Plant, which was set-up with 300 million USD investment and started its production activities in 2018, is the first factory of the Turkish tyre industry equipped with smart Technologies. Supported with over 40 years of know-how generated in our Izmit Factory, the Brisa Aksaray Manufacturing Plant is one of the best manufacturing plants of Bridgestone around the globe in terms of investment pace and first production performance parameters.
We execute the best examples of Industry 4.0 applications at our Aksaray Manufacturing Plant. We partially make our processes autonomous by utilizing new generation technologies such as robotics, big-data, and digitalization.
We manufacture our tyres taking advantage of automatic tyre transfer systems, which is a leading example in the industry, simultaneously monitoring production activity through the virtual digital twin of the manufacturing plant, environmentally friendly closed-circuit systems, green building applications, augmented reality applications and advance data analysis. 800 million data are streamed on a daily basis at the Aksaray Manufacturing Plant through advanced data analytics, smart machines, and smart vehicles. By analyzing these data, the ideal conditions for a tyre in production machines and even the production angles are determined. We monitor the manufacturing process with remote technology through the virtually designed digital twin of our manufacturing plant, and we are able to intervene any types of problems that may arise within a maximum of 2 minutes. Our employees based in Izmit and Aksaray locations can connect with each other virtually using augmented virtual reality applications, and they can communicate instantly with smart glasses to provide solutions for each other with remote support.
We produce one tyre every 2.5 seconds with the production we carry out with smart technologies in our two manufacturing plants.