Our Sustainability Approach
Sustainability ManagementWe are combining our sustainability management approach and sustainability strategies together with our core operations and competences and continue to create added value for our stakeholders. We are viewing our sustainability approach as part of our corporate culture and therefore as part of all our activities. We are carrying on communication projects in order to extend our sustainability approach among our stakeholders. We are executing audit activities in order to identify our improvement areas in terms of sustainability and we assure the development of our sustainability performance with action plans based on tangible targets.
We focus our sustainability strategy on the transition to a low-carbon economy, transition to a low-contact economy, and cultural and social transformation. We first foresee our risks in each focus area and support them with our strong risk management. We match our actions with the Sustainable Development Goals for which the United Nations seeks solutions, and we care about being a stakeholder in the solution of a global movement. We carry out risk management with a life-long perspective, including environmental and social issues in addition to economic parameters. We manage the effects of environmental and social risks that may occur in our supply chain, customer, dealer and service processes. In this way, our actions become more understandable for all our stakeholders, while we closely monitor developing regulations, technologies and financial opportunities for access to sustainable finance. We undertake and report our practices we manage and the performance results we achieve within the scope of the principles of transparency, fairness, responsibility and accountability, in the light of the initiatives we are a party to, by providing national and international participation, and we strive to take our performance to higher levels with the relevant quality system practices. We are taking advantage of nationally and internationallyaccepted standards in order to assure the continuous development of our social, environmental and extensive economic performances and we periodically carry out benchmarking projects. We are moving in line with an effective sustainability management structure that stretches out from the top management level to all other levels of our company and we are ensuring the effectiveness of this structure with transparent and bidirectional communication mechanisms and extensive auditing processes.